Have you ever been the first person through the door at a department store sale, gone straight to the item you want to buy and discovered that, three minutes into the sale, they didn't have any? I have. I had the sale flyer with me and asked a clerk where I could find that item, only to have her say, "I'm sorry. We've sold out of those." Then have you started screaming that they'd never had any in the first place and the item they'd advertised was just a loss-leader, designed to lure customers in by a low price, and when they were "sold out" would show you some more expensive items that looked kind of like it? And then did you say in a loud voice that they would sell you whatever similar item you wanted at the first item's sale price, thereby getting a much better item at a really good discount? I have. Got my son a really nice, affordable, coat that way. They shouldn't have insulted my intelligence or overestimated my budget. Bah.
Let's see. What other irrelevant topic can I write about?
Have you ever noticed what a money-making production religion is? Spiritualism, too. I know that, in ancient times there was a wealth gap that made our current class wars look like an Country fair. I mean, when people were pretending that the first books of the Bible were being forged, they were full of tyranny, slavery, stoning people, making people kill their child just because,oh, God had a whim, leading people through the wilderness for 40 years when --this is God's will, after all -- He could have just taken Moses straight to the Promised land. What kind of creator would be that cruel and sadistic, not to mention bloodthirsty and vengeful toward His own worshipers? And let's not forget Noah's Ark. According to the Bible, God saved Noah and his families, but was, logically speaking, therefore guilty of genocide 50 and more times over by drowning every other human. And Lot's wife. A pillar of salt? Really? Just for looking back after he said not to? No, God didn't write the Old Testament because, if He did all that unholy meanness, full of jealousy, anger, and revenge, he wouldn't be the kind of God anyone would keep following. I believe in God, but not as being separate from humanity. It makes sense to me that we are all made of energy, as is everything we see, feel, touch, and hear. And so is the entity we call God. We are all part of each other and of the earth, and of the things humans have inside them such as spirits. Love, too.
I'm probably offending some of you. All I can say is that I don't begrudge anyone's beliefs except those of the Westboro Baptist Church members. And, I say with regret, not even those. If I'm almost making sense, I'm surprised because I am seriously sleep-deprived. Besides, these are mostly just ideas that aren't fully developed yet. I plan to read more about the connection between quantum physics and spirituality. There are still too many gaps. ( ha ha. Quantum physics joke.)
Forgive my ramblings. Goodnight. The God in me recognizes the God in you. Namaste.
Hope you get some rest soon, Kay. And you've hit on my same ideas of the higher power that exists. That live-giving force that allows us to love another so ferociously. It's inside all of us and the actions of most religions are in complete defiance of the goodness that is there.