My NaNoWriMo story is up to 7,407 words, as I recall, though my memory for numbers stinks out loud. On a daily average, I'm still ahead a little tiny bit on the daily average I need.
Anyway, I'm having fun.
Wait a minute I'll go to their website and check out what the real number is.
7,843. I underestimated. I've spent 3 hours a night writing. Not bad for a person who has to poke at a keyboard with a stick. Of course, I do have the time whereas most people have to fit writing in between doing other things, like having a life.
But, as I 've said, writing makes me happier than just about anything in life, with the exception of my children and grandchildren. So I'm in a great mood.
I hope you all had frabjous days, too. Maybe tomorrow I'll get up in my chair and I can shout Callooh, Callay!
Happy days and dream filled nights of joy, my wonderful peeps.
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