Into this raging river of frustration I've been drowning in and stop beating myself up by trying to control things I have no way to control. My abcess is doing wrll, though it will probably take several more weeks to completely heal
I got up in my chair today, which was extremely pleasant.i snagged the lady from the business office and got a huge surprise. Now that I am a "skilled" patient, Medicare is covering my room and board. I get to keep all my social security, at least for now. I'm too cynical to think that this will last, but I'm going to spend some,on necessities, then save the rest.Then I took a shower and was feeling pretty happy
Then I got a call from my ex. He was talking very fast. He said, "i'm not going to be able to isit today because I flipped the car. He said he was ok. I thought, who can flip upside dowm in their car and be fine? He said he would go to the ER to get checked out. I hope he really did that.
I was extremely upset and worried and was literally wringing my hands with agitation. The nurse gave me some medicine snd I calmed back down to a level where I could relax.
Then the wound care nurse replaced a bandage on my posterior, took a look and said, This looks terrible!" She explained that I'd had a short red line along the scar from where my plastic surgery scar is. Now, she said, it's all open andd looks awful.
I'm breathing in a deep breath and exhaling a huge sigh. It'ts always something, it seems.
Here's a picture of Jeff's sad little car. It makes me terribly sad., but I'm happy it wasn"t any worse.
May you all live and travel with love and safety, my friends. You are precious to me.
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