Sunday, October 20, 2013

And I Flew Through a Flaw With the Flu

...flu shot, that is. I got a flu shot yesterday and, after having 60 gazillion flu shots over the years with nary a reaction, NOW I have one. I ache all over, have a relentless cough, and my throat is scratchy. Other people in my hall are having the same symptoms. You think maybe the state has special doses with live viruses in them that they only send to old folks' homes, hoping to kill off the oldsters who are on Medicaid? After all, since Oklahoma turned down the Federal Medicaid Expansion Program, they're having trouble balancing the Medicaid budget.

Am I being too paranoid? Yeah, probably. I tend to be unreasonable when I'm sick.

So, again, I got nothing done other than sleep. A lot. And play on my iPad.

No spiritual revelations were made today. I am firmly anchored to the physical realm because of this reaction to the shot. Maybe it won't last long. Let's hope, because tomorrow is supposed to be the day I get my new chair.

I'm going to get this entry done with, then see what kinds of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime shows I can sink into. Wish I had an endless supply of hot chocolate available. Oh, well. If wishes were horses, I'd be in big trouble because my half of this room isn't big enough to house a horse.

Health and happiness to you and yours.

Here is a soothing picture I grabbed off a friend's Facebook post. She's always posting beautiful pictures. I thought this one was special. Besides, just before the sun goes down and it casts golden shadows is my abolute favorite time of day. Thanks, Susie.

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