So now I'm sleeping, sometimes during the night for awhile, and sometimes during the day for awhile. Sometimes both. It happens at random times. I feel like I'm inside a shattered mirror, looking out, trying to make sense of what's going on out there. Is it day? Is it night? Is it still yesterday? Or maybe it's already tomorrow. Who knows?
I've never been good at sticking to schedules, but this is ridiculous.
Despite this empty randomness that is my life, and the lack of promised antibiotics, and the Alice-through-the-looking-glass perspective, I still feel like I'm on the right track, spiritually. A lot of it is observing myself under different circumstances. When I hear that children are being denied food because of this pointless government shutdown or that children with cancer are being denied treatment at government-run research centers, it breaks my heart and I get plenty steamed at the House Republicans, especially the Tea Partiers who put all this in motion. Anger is not good for my well-being. Nor is the frustration I feel about being absolutely helpless to change anything about it.
There are times when this life with all its challenges seem far away, as if I am looking at it from a great distance. From that perspective, floating high above the clouds, none of it touches me. It's restful. Things are so far away, they have nothing to do with me. I always go back. That's a given. I still have things to do here. Also, I'm not ready to give up all the delight I get from learning and seeing what's around the next corner. And, for reasons I don't quite understand, even if I go around the next corner and find something monstrous waiting, I still welcome it, in my heart, because I know it's part of my learning process. Sometimes -- hell, most times -- it causes me some kind of pain, but as I said before, if my body can't deal with it, my spirit will.
I feel one of those sleepy-time episodes coming on.
This is the closest I could find to the album cover of "Late for the Sky." Evidently, Browne's cover artists altered it a bit. That's OK. Both paintings are good.
Sleep well. Be happy.
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