Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Looking Backwards

Today has been a day of remembrance. Why, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the upcoming holidays. They've lost their charm for me since Lyra died. She was an enthusiastic ghost on Halloween, doing her best scary stuff. Thanksgiving was, for her, a chance to visit and give love to her family. But Christmas -- now THERE was something she looked forward to. Now, for me, it's just another day.

I watched the video of her Celebration of Life, but this time I didn't get sad. I felt as though Lyra was with me, watching it too. There was a feeling of extra warmth in my heart. Maybe that was just my imagination, but I prefer to believe it was real. And who's to say it wasn't? Whatever the case, I have a sense of comfort that I wasn't feeling before.

I'm convinced that we are eternal spirits with no beginning or end. Open one door, live your life, learn as much about love as you can, then go to spirit and open another door.

I'm not nearly experienced or knowledgeable enough to really explain how I feel. Sometimes it's like floating, letting my intuition guide me. Sometimes I get caught up in my intellect and find bits and pieces of the answers I seek, even though I have no idea what the question is.

But I do know this is a necessary process for me to go through.

Thinking of Lyra makes me happy. Remembering how she demonstrated unconditional love and found so much joy in difficult circumstances inspires me. I was privilged to have her in my life, even for so short a time. And I'm lucky now, to sometimes feel that love and joy surround me.

I am also lucky to have many caring friends and family. I once felt that I was unworthy of their kindness. I'm still amazed by it, but am getting to a point where I can accept the goodness inside me and believe I might have something worthwhile to give back. Don't worry. It isn't in me to become a raving, egocentric maniac.

I wish you all happy memories full of love and feelings of warmth in your hearts.

Here are some pictures of Lyra, being a fearsome ghost.

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