Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Coughing Like a Waterfall

Didn't sleep. Coughing wouldn't allow it. The cough has broken up so much that now,  every time I cough, I feel like i'm drowning. But things are better, otherwise. No more fever, body pain is mostly gone, and the cough has let up some.

Maybe I really will feel like getting up in my new chair tomorrow morning. That would be great.

Been playing catch-up on some favorite shows on my CBS app. That, and dozing a lot. Nothing else.

I am supposed to get antibiotics soon. Remember that spot on my back that was hurting, but the new Wound Care Doctor, who looks like he's about 12, said it was nothing but scar tissue pulling on the surrounding skin? It's much more painful now, and it's been draining. That means to me that there's an infection under the skin. You know, for some reason it makes me nervous when I have an oozing infection right next to my spine. I just have this hunch that it's a bad thing. I'm supposed to see him again Friday. So far, I'm not impressed with him. Maybe he'll grow on me, like an abscess.

Unless I start describing the plots of the tv shows I've been watching all day and night, there's nothing left to say. I stopped in the middle of a Criminal Minds eposode, and I want to see what happens next, so adieu for now.

Stay in good health, y'all, and be happy.

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