Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The End.....?

Woke up at 5 pm with chest pains. Vitals are so-so, but not bad. Never had a pain like this before, right in the center of my chest. Got some antacid and a pain pill from the nurse and we're waiting for a callback from my doctor. It's probably not serious. I'm both hoping it's not serious and hoping it is. I don't want to leave the people I love, but a part of me is shouting, "Yes! Finally! Peace and comfort and Lyra!"

Later: nurse gave me 3 nitroglycerine tablets. Feels like somebody lit a bonfire under my tongue. The pain and my BP are lessened, but still too high. Going to the hospital now. More later, if possible.

Time has passed. Am in the hell known as the ER with an IV sticking out of my right wrist. Oh so convenient. I mean, of course inconvenient. Have oxygen in my nose. Its tubes cross around my cheeks and meet under my chin. Now I have an idea of how a dog wearing a cone around its head feels.

I am no longer in pain, except for my wrist and my neck from having to hold my head up to see this, mostly because there's no head pillow. So, no cause to panic. Looks like I still have things to do in this life.

Well, a doctor came in. I was hurting again, just a little, so she said they will be rubbing some nitroglycerin paste on my chest to help with the pain. I can hardly wait for the headache and burning sensation that are sure to follow. 

I have no idea if I'll be admitted or sent back tonight. That'll be addressed in tomorrow's blog because I could be in the ER for hours more.

So, so long, my wonderful peeps. Be full of joy for me if I really do shuffle off this mortal coil because I'll be in a much happier place. Otherwise, cya later. Love you all. ❤

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